This Kenya village school in Nyrombe, Kenya called "Destiny Early Child Development and Day Care" has been open for two weeks now and has grown from 2 children the first day to 25 children and they are still expecting many more. It has been well received and has added another volunteer teacher to help teach and care for the children. After opening they quickly moved into the church sanctuary to give them more room together and then began to split off into two separate age groups of younger and older ages and started utilizing the classrooms again. Chairs were added gradually as children continued to come. More tables and chairs are still needed as the growth continues.
We continue to pray for favor and increased provision in every way for this little village church and early child development center as the Lord's hand blesses it and uses it to minister to these little children and to this Kenya village people as a whole. God's going to use these little children and this budding school to reach the village people with His heart, to open them to His Word and to manifest His blessing in their lives.
They are presently needing the finished plastering work on the floors in the classrooms at a cost of $340 for the truckload of sand, 20 bags of cement and labor. Needed chairs are $3.50 each and a table costs $30.
Each purchase of a chair or table is an investment into an opportunity and invitation for a child to discover and find their seat of authority in the Kingdom and come to the table of blessing that the Lord has prepared for them.Support to help feed the children their daily lunch would be greatly appreciated as well.
for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.”
Matt 19:14
For more information or to donate and sow into this Kingdom project you can contact Pst John Omondi at:
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